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What makes a woman?

Much like manly men in this world, and all of you have seen what I think about that, it goes to question now as to what makes a woman a woman. Long flowing dresses, stockings, high heels, purses, make-up, and the obvious parts but it is really about dresses, stockings and high heels? In a short answer, it's not. Women have long since abandoned dresses for pants, most abandoned heels for sneakers, and tossed those stockings into the garbage can. It's almost like the great bra burning that happened all those years ago and it shows today the huge difference from the 1900's to today. If I had to guess, I would say more than 75% of women in this world have tossed aside those dresses and skirts for pants and shorts. Most have cast aside the make-up and said no to pantyhose and tights. Like the manly men, does it make them any less of a woman? No. When we walk down the street or in mall, we see women wearing what they want to wear, yet we don't call them crossdressers because it's what they, in today's world...........because this is no longer the dark ages of the past. We see a woman dressed in jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and we think nothing of it. It's just their fashion choice. Does this mean they want to be with another woman? Again, no. How is it that society sees this as normal but if a guy wants to wear a dress, which by the way is better for the apples and banana, they want to call forth a mob with torches and pitchforks? That I don't know but what I do know, it's become a common oddity to see a woman in jeans, which isn't a bad thing by the way. It would seem society accepted the bra burning and is now okay with what women want to do, no matter what fashion sense it is. So that begs to question what makes a woman?

Well, for obvious reasons, they have different anatomy, and if you didn't know that, please hit your head against the wall until the end of time. Breasts, vagina are the two obvious factors and we can't say the voice because there are women out there that sound like men and vise versa. We can no longer say long hair because some men have long hair as well and society can not say because they smell feminine because some men like using those same products because it's easier on the nose or they like to smell good and a lot of women's fragrance smell much better than men's. What about stockings? This too is a split spectrum because men are starting to dawn stockings for either fashion or for medical reasons. Then that leaves heels, which were once a women's only thing, but now some male shoe makers are making men's shoes with heels.… , just in case you didn't believe me. Make-up would be left right? Unless you live under a rock, in a box, at the bottom of the sea

, then you will realize that men wear make-up on a daily basis. Now don't get me wrong, not all men wear it but there are those that do. . Man, that takes what was once only for women and tosses it out the window because the opposite gender is starting to wear them now. So what makes a woman today anyways? One can say that the attitude can make a woman but is that really true? I mean the same can be said for men as well, then again most women think men are stupid neandertals that are only on this earth to procreate. If that were the case, then this world would have been doomed long ago.

I will be the first to admit that there are stupid men out there BUT, there are also stupid women out there as well. More that what women would like to think there are but men and women are on basically equal ground on this one. What pregnancy? Sure at this very moment, only women can get pregnant and carry a child to full term BUT there are studies going on , to get men pregnant. Would I do something like that? Sure would. People say it's an abomination and it goes against God but if that were the case, then why did God instill the idea into our minds for us to find and experiment with? I could get on the topic of religion and how it controls people do think in a parallel line but I'll leave that for another time. But I will say that, all of what we do, will do, and are going to do is against the bible in some shape or form, such as there can be NO FEMALE PRIESTS but there are and there is nothing wrong with that. It also says being gay will send you straight to hell............but animals of all shapes and sizes have been known to perform homosexual acts.....hmmmm......makes you think doesn't it? I know I'm getting off topic but I thought I would say that because it makes you think. So back on topic as to what makes a woman. Going by my perspective, what makes a woman is basically the obvious and I mean the truly obvious, the vagina. Yup, that's it nothing more. Sure feelings, attitude, the way they dress, the mannerisms, can all make a woman a woman BUT is that completely true?

Oh before I forget, men have breasts as well so you can't really say breasts and men have nipples so you can't say that either. There have been men who have breastfed their child because why? Men can lactate as well. I know it's a shocker to all the guys out there who didn't know about that,… , but we can. The vagina and the penis is the only true objects that separate us from one another. But.....what about the mind? The mind is a finicky thing and some men think like women and some women think like men, how can one say that one belongs to the other? The answer, they can't anymore. So what makes a woman? I feel that I am a woman trapped in a man's body but that doesn't count because I wasn't born a woman. So I'll leave you with this, YOU tell me what makes a woman a woman and please don't give me that shit that I had just mentioned above because there are to many sources that can debunk those.

It makes you think doesn't it?

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