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Men's Fashion, a new beginning or a means to an end?

Men's fashion has been rather drab over the years, with jeans and a t-shirt being the mainstay of the fashion industry. Now not all designers have kept with that same template over the years and there have been many who try to break the boundries with men's skirts, pantyhose, panties and even bras. But the question that is always asked is, why hasn't it gone mainstream?

Well the answer to that would be society and their judgements on boys and men wanting to wear something that is considered woman's. Which to me brings up some more questions than answers. If women are truly equal to men, then why is it disgusting for a man to wear pantyhose? or a dress? or high heels? Shouldn't it be a man's choice to wear what was essentially made for men without ridicule? High heels were intended for kings or nobles with a lot of wealth and peasents had to wear what can be considered flats.

Those same kings and nobles also wore stockings, of which went up to the knee or thigh with some being pantyhose in nature. Peasants wore these same items but of lower quality so that it can still divide the rich from the poor or working class. Skirts are another article of clothing that was worn by men before women and only changed due to transporation via horseback. Wearing a skirt while horseback riding caused chaffing which can be painful if done repeatedly without protection. To solve that problem, pants were introduce for horseback riding to get rid of the chaffing that occured while wearing a skirted garment.

People tend to bring religion into the topic but when brought back to earlier years, the often refer to a verse in the bible that just repeats the answer they gave before. While I can input sources for this topic, this is just my opinion on the matter. But I digress. Actors and muscians are bringing the past back to the present by doning skirts and dresses, manicured nails and yes even nail acrylics.

To the right is the Dogfather, Snoop Dogg showing off his acrylic nails, of which are fashionably done. I have to say that I love his nails and hope more men can embrace this as it makes his hands look great and if he were someone looking for employment, I would consider hiring him because it shows he care for his appearance, even to the point of getting his nails done. On the flip side people will chastise him for doing this by saying only "gay men" would do this without proof of such action taking place because reasons. I've met and know plenty of gay men and I can honestly say that not all gay men go out of their way to have their nails done, wear a skirt, or don pantyhose.

People need to stop judging others when they are different because this world is full of different people, different societies, and different beliefs. This new movement, although not entirely new, is not a means to an end of the "masculine man" but more of a freedom of choice and the right to be oneself. If everyone can understand this, then society as a whole would be on the road to getting better rather than progressively getting worse.

But these are my two cents and hope you enjoyed my opinion. I'll post up a factualized post another day on this topic.

Enjoy your day and thank you for visiting my world.

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